Extend the ADB to Make App Debugging Easier

Android •

ADB is a useful and powerful tool to interact with an Android app or the whole Android device via the command line. However, ADB is still far away from a debug tool, therefore, usually, in a big app, we have to develop a UI tool called dev menu or something like that to interact, change the configuration, etc. We may use the other library like Facebook’s Fillper or Stetho or Hyperion, etc ...

Beautiful code

Code review •

Some days ago, my friend requested me to help him review his code. Well, it was my daily job, so, I pleased to help ...

Let's code with Leetcode

Leetcode •

Mmm…, I don’t know how to start this post, actually, it’s not about Leetcode but about my laziness (yes, very similar to the story about git naming) ...

A short story of naming git-branch from a lazy coder

Scripting •

Well, I’m a developer. Using git is somehow my daily job. I’m not very keen on typing command on the console, especially with long commands. In my previous company, we didn’t create a branch for each feature, just dev or master branch for all (of course, release-xxx branch for releasing) ...

AnnoPref — make saving SharedPreferences easier

Android •

I have been working on Android for years. Whenever making a get/set (or get/put) a field in the SharedPreferences file, I feel hard. It’s, sometimes, because I don’t know which name I should name the preference. Besides, my code would be messed with lots of string constants, and get/put of the SharedPreferences’ object will go along with those constants or I have to define (again) tons of get/set method ...