Jsonize with custom field name in TypeScript


As some of you may know, I created an ASCII drawing app called MonoSketch. Initially developed in Kotlin/JS, the app’s architecture served us well for the early iterations. However, the UI became a bottleneck whenever I wanted to add more features. This led to the decision to rewrite MonoSketch in TypeScript.

Rewriting in TypeScript, with Svelte for the UI, offered several benefits: it made UI development easier, better integration with FrontEnd web technologies, and made adding new features simpler. However, one key challenge I faced was handling JSON serialization and deserialization in TypeScript, which is used for data persistence.

MonoSketch saves drawings as a custom format .mono file, which is essentially a JSON file with a custom structure:

These customizations were straightforward to implement in Kotlin, thanks to Kotlin’s serialization library. However, TypeScript lacks a built-in mechanism for customizing JSON field names and serialization rules. Although there is a library called class-transformer that offers similar features to Kotlin’s serialization, I found it too complex for MonoSketch and was lazy to learn it. This led me to develop a custom solution for JSON serialization and deserialization in TypeScript, which I’ll share in this post.

Key Requirements

First, let’s dive into the requirements that shaped the design of the solution.

When designing a solution for MonoSketch, I identified three primary requirements that the system needed to fulfill:

  1. Custom Field Names
  2. Custom Serialization and Deserialization of Values
  3. Support for Nested Objects

Let’s address each requirement in detail.

Custom Field Names

This requirement is simple: we need to map the field names in the TypeScript class to the field names in the JSON file. For example, the extra value of a text shape looks like this:

extra = {
  textHorizontalAlign: 0,
  textVerticalAlign: 0,
  // ...

will be serialized as:

  "tha": 0,
  "tva": 0,

A simple solution is we will add 2 methods like these:

class TextShapeExtra {
  textHorizontalAlign: number = 0;
  textVerticalAlign: number = 0;

  toJson(): any {
    return {
      tha: this.textHorizontalAlign,
      tva: this.textVerticalAlign

  static fromJson(json: any): TextShapeExtra {
    const extra = new TextShapeExtra();
    extra.textHorizontalAlign = json.tha;
    extra.textVerticalAlign = json.tva;
    return extra;

This solution is simple and straightforward, but it has a few drawbacks:

Solution: Decorators

In Kotlin, we can use the @SerialName annotation to customize field names. So, the solution I came up with for TypeScript was to create a decorator that mimics this behavior. The decorator would allow us to specify custom field names in the class definition, which would be used during serialization and deserialization.

class TextShapeExtra {
  textHorizontalAlign: number = 0;
  textVerticalAlign: number = 0;

@SerialName decorator is defined as follows:

function SerialName(name: string) {
  return function(target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) {
    if (!target.constructor.serialNames) {
      target.constructor.serialNames = {};
    target.constructor.serialNames[propertyKey] = name;

The SerialName decorator stores the custom field names in a static property called serialNames within the class. For the TextShapeExtra class, the serialNames property would look like this:

TextShapeExtra.serialNames = {
  textHorizontalAlign: "tha",
  textVerticalAlign: "tva"

This property will be used to map the field names during serialization and deserialization.

With this decorator, we can now serialize and deserialize objects with custom field names without having to write custom mapping logic for each class. Of course, toJson and fromJson methods haven’t yet been implemented, but we will cover them in the later section.

Custom Serialization and Deserialization of Values

The second requirement is to support custom serialization and deserialization of values. In the Point sample above, we need to serialize a Point(left, right) object as a string in the format "{left}|{right}". This is a common requirement in many serialization libraries, but TypeScript does not provide built-in support for this feature.

Let’s expand the TextShapeExtra class to include a Point object:

class TextShapeExtra {
  textHorizontalAlign: number = 0;
  textVerticalAlign: number = 0;
  position: Point = new Point(0, 0);

After serialization, the TextShapeExtra object should look like this:

  "tha": 0,
  "tva": 0,
  "p": "0|0"

To achieve this, we apply the same approach as we did for custom field names: create a decorator that allows us to specify custom serialization and deserialization logic for a field.

function Serialize(serializer: (value: any) => any, deserializer: (value: any) => any) {
  return function(target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol) {
    if (!target.constructor.serializers) {
      target.constructor.serializers = {};
      target.constructor.deserializers = {};
    target.constructor.serializers[propertyKey] = serializer;
    target.constructor.deserializers[propertyKey] = deserializer;

Sample usage:

class TextShapeExtra {
  textHorizontalAlign: number = 0;
  textVerticalAlign: number = 0;
    (value: Point) => `${value.left}|${value.right}`,
    (value: string) => {
      const (left, top) = value.split("|");
      return new Point(parseInt(left), parseInt(top));
  position: Point = new Point(0, 0);

Similar to the SerialName decorator, the Serialize decorator stores the serialization and deserialization logic in the serializers and deserializers properties of the class.

With this decorator, we can now serialize and deserialize objects with custom serialization and deserialization logic without having to write custom mapping logic for each class.

Support for Nested Objects

Finally, we need to support nested objects in the serialization and deserialization process. This means that if an object contains another object, the nested object should also be serialized and deserialized according to the custom field names and serialization logic.

The text shape extra belongs to a text shape:

class TextShape {
  id: string = "";
  text: string = "";
  extra: TextShapeExtra = new TextShapeExtra();

After serialization, the TextShape object should look like this:

  "i": "",
  "t": "",
  "e": {
    "tha": 0,
    "tva": 0,
    "p": "0|0"

To handle this, we have two options:

  1. Use the Serialize decorator to specify custom serialization and deserialization logic for nested objects.
  2. Recursively serialize and deserialize nested objects.

The first option is straightforward and allows us to customize the serialization and deserialization logic for nested objects. However, it requires us to manually specify the serialization and deserialization logic for each nested object, which can be tedious and error-prone due to repeated code.

The second option is more complex but offers a more generic solution. We can recursively serialize and deserialize nested objects by checking if a field is an object and applying the serialization and deserialization logic accordingly.

To do this, we need the 3rd decorator, but this time, not for the field, but for the class itself. The code is a bit long:

function Jsonizable(constructor: Function) {
  if (!constructor.serializers) {
    constructor.serializers = {};
  if (!constructor.serialNames) {
    constructor.serialNames = {};

  const serialNames = constructor.serialNames;
  const serializers = constructor.serializers;
  const deserializers = constructor.deserializers;

  constructor.prototype.toJson = function() {
    const json: any = {};
    const instance = this;
    for (const key in instance) {
      if (!instance.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      // If the key is not defined in serialNames, use the key itself
      const serializedKey = serialNames[key] ?? key;

      // 1st: Check if the field has a serializer
      // 2nd: Check if the field has a toJson method
      // 3rd: Use the value directly
      if (serializers[key]) {
        json[serializedKey] = serializers[key](instance[key]);
      } else if (instance[key].toJson) {
        json[serializedKey] = instance[key].toJson();
      } else {
        json[serializedKey] = instance[key];
    return json;

  constructor.fromJson = function(data: any) {
    const instance = new constructor();
    for (const key of Object.keys(instance)) {
      // If the key is not defined in serialNames, use the key itself
      const serializedKey = serialNames[key] ?? key;
      const value = data[serializedKey];
      if (value === undefined) {

      const field = instance[key];
      // 1st: Check if the field has a deserializer
      // 2nd: Check if the field has a fromJson method
      // 3rd: Use the value directly
      if (deserializers[key]) {
        instance[key] = deserializers[key](value);
      } else if (field && field.constructor && field.constructor.fromJson) {
        instance[key] = field.constructor.fromJson(value);
      } else {
        instance[key] = value;

    return instance;

This decorator adds toJson and fromJson methods to the class and class’s static api respectively, which recursively serializes and deserializes the object and its nested objects.

With this decorator, we can now serialize and deserialize objects with nested objects without having to write custom serialization and deserialization logic for each nested object.

Note: This solution does not automatically support arrays or polymorphism. To handle these cases, we can use the @Serialize decorator to specify custom serialization and deserialization logic for arrays and polymorphic objects.

Combining everything together

Definition side:

class TextShapeExtra {
  textHorizontalAlign: number = 0;
  textVerticalAlign: number = 0;
    (value: Point) => `${value.left}|${value.right}`,
    (value: string) => {
      const (left, top) = value.split("|");
      return new Point(parseInt(left), parseInt(top));
  position: Point = new Point(0, 0);

class TextShape {
  id: string = "";
  text: string = "";
  extra: TextShapeExtra = new TextShapeExtra();

Caller side:

const textShape = new TextShape(...);
const json = textShape.toJson();

const textShape2 = TextShape.fromJson(json);

Setting up the Project

One thing I haven’t mentioned is that decorators are not natively supported by TypeScript and are still considered an experimental feature. To enable their usage, the experimentalDecorators flag must be set to true in the tsconfig.json file. This configuration is similar to what class-transformer requires:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true

End Notes

In MonoSketch Kotlin version, except for Compose HTML for UI, the only library is the serialization. Now, after implementing the custom solution in TypeScript, MonoSketch TypeScript version uses Svelte as the only 3rd party library. How crazy I am!